Monday, October 13, 2014

A special visit from home

This past month has brought lots of challenges, frustrations, joy, and tears. A real mix of emotions and work. But what rejoicing we had when we had a special visit from Jason, our son, to celebrate his 40th birthday. There are lots of pictures in this blog, and there won't be comments on all of them, for they speak for themselves. It was so fun to show Jason around the pueblo we have been working in for the past 15 months, to meet members, and see the sights. We also had a change of missionaries, and actually sent a great Elder home as he finished his mission with great honor. Elder Duron went back home to Honduras to now study medicine. We will miss him, and wish him well in his future.

Hermana Presley waiting anxiously at the airport for her boy to land in Panama. 

Here he comes!

A tearful and joyful reunion!

At the temple in Panama City.

We visited the Panama Canal. Jason was really looking forward to this.
Of course, Jason wanted fresh ceviche here in Panama.

Jason loves to bargain, and when he finally got the deal he wanted, he always flashed a big smile and would giggle. He hasn't changed much!

One of the dogs, Bobby, the Huskie, took Jason for a walk. 

We enjoyed a local area where Jason decided to go a little closer to the river. Unfortunately, he
found that the moss and mold was pretty slippery and had a bit of a time slipping and sliding. I thought I might have to rescue him, and that would not be fun!
But he made it safe and sound, and we enjoyed a quiet moment together.

Mom enjoyed some good time with her son as well. 

A beautiful waterfall north of town. We had to show Jason and enjoy the area. One of the prettiest spots.

Some of the natural beauty in Boquete!

Don thought he would look for some investigators while visiting the jungle areas!

This was a fun and unique experience for the members and Jason. He brought along a little polaroid camera, the type that produces an instant printed little color photo. In between general conference sessions, he began taking photos of the families. It was quite a hit. We are sure they had never seen something like this, and now had pictures of their families, which they never had before! Way to go, son. Julie would be proud of you!!

The branch president, President Sanjur, and Don, the 1st counselor, of the Boquete Branch

Caroline and Juan enjoying an apple snack at conference

Sanchez family
We had a family home evening with the Montezuma family at our home. Lynda taught a simple but very effective lesson, and then Jason broke out some special gifts he had brought from the states for the children of the Montezuma family. This family is very special to us, and live in the house, all 11 of them, that we built for them last year. It was a wonderful time, and so generous of Jason and his family to have thought of them this way.
Each child had specially selected gifts, like super hero capes and masks, dolls, and even ties for the older one, Isidoro, who is preparing for his mission.

I think it was a great success!

Jason and Don were able to play some baseball with the 3 young boys in the back yard. They loved it and showed some great talent for being 6, 8, and 9 years old.

We had the the Sanjurs and the Elders over for dinner, as well as Isidoro Montezuma. Jason bonded quickly and easily with President Sanjur. 

Isidoro Montezuma and Jason. Isidoro is having his final interview this week for his mission, and will then have his papers sent to Salt Lake. Jason gave Isidoro his USC cap, which Isidoro now treasures. Can you tell by his smile?

During the previous week, Regan sent us this drawing she made of her family. It is now displayed proudly on our Grandchild wall, where we have ALL the various drawings and notes from our grandchildren. We love what we get from them. It is special love.

Jason had wanted to see some of our critters that show up at times around our house and yard. Unfortunately, he didn't get the chance to see something. Sadly, the day after he left, this 5 foot long poisonous viper was in the back part of the yard. Sorry Jason. It would have been great for you to hold.

Elder Duron with us at the Bus station. It was Monday, and that is why we are in our P-day clothes.

Well, time to go. However, Monte, the other big lovable dog, really hates lightning and thunder, and does his best to be at my side during the storms. Since he weighs about 150 pounds, he can push his way in at times, no matter what, and has to be at my feet. He knows he can't stay, but he does his best.
So, from Hermana Presley, Elder Presley, and Monte, until next blog, Chau!