Friday, June 28, 2013

Leaving Long Beach

For years, Lynda and I have sang "Leaving on a Jet Plane" together for our children, and our own entertainment. Who knew that one day, it would mean so much. As we left Long Beach for Utah, a few days early to visit Shawna and her family for a final goodbye, this was a very emotional and difficult moment. Reality set in. Tears flowed and hearts ached. Then, with final hugs and kisses, we turned and did not look back. That would have been an additional hurt, so we looked forward, focused on our new adventure and service to the Lord, and left on that Jet Plane. These pictures tell it best.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Called to Serve

This is THE ENVELOPE which came to us on Feb 19th with our assignment from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. We don't have a clue at this moment where we will be going.

Today this came in the mail!

So, we rounded up the troops .....

everyone got their phones and cameras ready.....

and then it was time to open up that white envelope.

                         We had children listening in on two cell phones and Skype as we read the letter.


Can you see how excited Lynda is to be learning Spanish?
 They will be leaving July 1st!

{Their best friends are the mission presidents there.} ;)

We are so excited for them and Hubs and I are already planning a trip to South America. ;)

We are all SO EXCITED for them!
This is such a wonderful goal that have set for themselves and reached.
I know that the wonderful people of Panama will be blessed to have them their with them...
teaching them, serving them, and learning from them.

We love you and are so proud of you Nana and Pa Pa!!!
{now, we need to cram as much fun as we can into four months!}