Friday, June 28, 2013

Leaving Long Beach

For years, Lynda and I have sang "Leaving on a Jet Plane" together for our children, and our own entertainment. Who knew that one day, it would mean so much. As we left Long Beach for Utah, a few days early to visit Shawna and her family for a final goodbye, this was a very emotional and difficult moment. Reality set in. Tears flowed and hearts ached. Then, with final hugs and kisses, we turned and did not look back. That would have been an additional hurt, so we looked forward, focused on our new adventure and service to the Lord, and left on that Jet Plane. These pictures tell it best.


  1. Bishop and Sister Presley, I am super super happy for both of you. I'm so happy to know that Panama will be blessed by your service and dedication in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I hope you feel in your heart bishop my gratitude to you and for you for the many things you have done for me and taught me. Sister Presley, you are just as wonderful as well. It warms my heart thinking of you two and the great experiences both of you will share together.

  2. It is oh so hard to leave your precious family and dear friends and it will be nearly as hard to leave Panama in two years where you will grow to love and cherish the people there. Your family will be blessed for your service!
