Sunday, August 11, 2013

a few days in Panama City

This week was a busy one. We had helped the youth prepare some genealogy for the temple, and then went to Panama city, a 7 hour drive, to do some additional tasks, try to learn the city, as well as go to the Temple. We left Thursday and came back the 7 hour drive on Saturday. We didn't take as many pictures this time, but we did accomplish quite a bit. Lynda was able to get a sewing machine from the mission home, so she can start working on making some skirts for the youth dance festival. We went to the mall and were able to have lunch with the Mission President and catch up on work in Boquete. We also spent time with our friends who came with us in the car, the Swalms, and had time to relax and go bowling. I am really out of practice, and the bowling shoes in Panama are, well , a bit worn out. 
We spent Friday evening doing baptisms in the temple. I performed the baptisms on the youth, and did about 140 baptisms. It was great, and yes, my arm was a bit sore the next day. Not bad for an old guy! The next morning, Saturday, we went back into the temple and did sealings for a couple of hours, then a session, and then started on the drive back home, getting back home about 9 pm. Then, of course, Sunday, and the service we try to do to help some of the older members get to church by picking them up and taking them home afterward. It makes for about a 6 hour church time, but it is well worth it to be able to help.

This is Richard and Tina Swalm, are very good friends here in Boquete. They traveled with us to the temple on the long drive to Panama City. They are relaxing at the bowling lanes. 

About halfway, we like to stop and rest in Santiago on our way to Panama city. We stopped into McDonald's to enjoy a sundae. I decided to try the new Smurf sunday, and I think Lynda wants a bite!

After the long drive to Panama City, we went to a very nice mall and ate dinner, then went bowling for an hour. It was nice to relax with my companion. By the way, we wear our badges wherever we go, and whatever we are doing!
Hermana Presley demonstrating the proper technique in bowling. Notice that the ball is actually heading for the pocket! Great Shot!!

At times, we must have a prayer in our hearts to avoid the monsters that lurk about us. You never know.

1 comment:

  1. Panama Mission is so blessed to have the two of you serving there! I love being able to follow your mission through your awesome posts and great photos!
