Wednesday, August 14, 2013

More fun times for all to experience!

We continue to work on the small house in the backyard of our house. Today, we only had 4 of us. We sift the sand through a screen by hand to fill the wheel barrow, then mix a bag of concrete with water and the sand on the ground with shovels. Then,looking at the picture,  Augustine, on the left, lays the cement and brick one by one with great care, and Rene Bram, a past stake president and mission president, on the left of me, filled the cracks. Richard Swalm, on the right of me, worked on the steel posts, cutting them to specific measurements, as well as mixing the cement with me and getting it into the wheelbarrow. it's a good workout shoveling and mixing with just a shovel. We cover ourselves with 30% Deet, which works well keeping the mosquitos and other biting pests off us for 4 hours or so. Great men to work beside, and a service project of love.
This is what a beautiful morning looks like in El Frances. This is where we live. Heading up the road is the Volcano Baru, and the beautiful little city of Boquete. This is the main highway into town. Pretty much the only road. Note the heavy traffic. It is 8 am in the morning.
This is the next morning, same road, same traffic,about the same time, but ready to get some wicked weather. 

This is wicked weather. It will rain cats and dogs for 15 minutes, then clear up. Other times, especially in the later afternoon, it will rain this hard for a couple of hours. You have to yell to talk to each other!

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