Sunday, September 8, 2013

Boquete Branch Talent Show

 Thanks to the sister missionaries who organized a branch talent show, here are just a few of the pictures and activities. When these things go on, there is a tendancy to take a few tooooooo many pictures. I hope this gives a good taste of what we enjoyed.
First, we were asked to open the show singing. We decided to sing "If you could read my mind", since that is what we sang 42 years ago as we began dating. Ahhhhh

Hermana Presley with a couple of members enjoying the show

Some other members of the branch, including our branch president in the foreground

Batman had the nerve to attach a missionary!

it wasn't pretty

But we ended Super Friends!
the full time missionary team in Boquete, Hermana Vroom, Hermana Herrete, and the Presley team!

our master of ceremonies is also one of those who works on cruise ships and does those crazy towel animals. What a fun talent to share!

A missionary play of the talents. I was the talent giver!
Our youth dancing in their poodle skirts made by Hermana Presley

The dance youth group of the branch

the poodle skirts. The girls were so excited to have these for their own. No one in Boquete, and maybe Panama have these.

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome branch activity! You two are AMAZING and Panama is so blessed to have you serving there!
