Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Panama culture just for you! And some Acting too!

there is no reason for us to be afraid around our house with Bobby and Monty always hanging around. They are always waiting for a special treat from Papa
Last Saturday, we had our Stake Mutual Standards activity, in which the Youth of Boquete acted out the Scripture in Ephesians 6:10-14. It was about Obediences, and putting on the whole armor of God to protect oneself from temptations. So first, we had to get used to the tools of the trade by having a battle in the backyard with the shields to protect from the softballs of temptation thrown at each other. That set the mood!

after hours of rehearsal for a 5 minute act, (whew), the youth did a marvelous work and a wonder as they did their parts perfectly. Mariella was the soldier with the physical armor of God, made by our YW president, Sister Bram. Kristina sat in the middle, our "I don't really care about the church teachings" example, and open to temptation. Isidoro was our spiritual soldier, armed with scriptures and blessings to protect him.

On the other hand, Katherine was the voice of temptation, running from person to person whispering weakness. Here, I was one of the "friends" of Isidoro, trying to tempt him to come with me to a dance and activity on Sunday, where there would be lots of  "fun"...He turned me down, and even invited me to church!

At the end of our act, we all took sword and shield in hand, and stood tall. Of course, the audience went wild for us! Gracias a todo los jovenes de Boquete!! Son los mejores jovenes en el mundo!!

Now, a little culture. These are our water tanks. They store our water which we use for drinking, showering, and all other water needs. They are about 300 gallons each. But when there is no water coming from the city to refill them automatically, we had to think of something to keep our water. As you can see, it rains very hard, and the water pours right onto the blue tank like a spout, so.....

I took the top of the tank, put a maya, or screen, on top with a rock to hold it in place. This would help to keep out rocks and insects. Because it rains so hard, it fills the tanks quickly to overflowing. Never fear, first this water is cleaner that what comes down from the city, and second, it goes through 3 filters before it gets to be used by us. It is clean and good.

As I said, we have to filter out insects. This spider was not in our water, it was in our house! I am not sure how they get in, but since they houses here aren't built tight, and the roof has openings, I have a good idea. I just am glad we got this one. I often wonder what happens when I am asleep, but then, maybe I shouldn't think too much on that......

Enough culture?

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