Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Out and about our little town of Boquete

We traveled to a small city on the other side of Baru, our local volcano. The city is named Volcan. On our way, we found a beautiful river hidden off the road.
I love having my companion near me always!
We stopped at a small vegetable stand in Volcan,and Lynda was able to buy fresh vegetables right from the farms. Get this...30 lbs of assorted vegetables for 5 dollars! We bought two bags, and then gave shared alot with some of our members that needed food.

There are beautiful flowers surrounding us all the time. This particular flower has a very dark little part inside its flower, and looks like a small bug. It attracts other bees to help pollinate it. The flower opens in the morning, and is gone by the next day, only to have several new ones opening to do the same. You have to careful smelling these, as you never know what is a bee and what is the flower!

On the other hand, because we live in the jungle environment, plants and trees also can become infested with bad bugs as well. This tree is in our backyard, and within a few days, was almost completely eaten by worms. the leaves were covered with these awful and hungry critters, that soon turned into small black and yellow beetles.
Below is a small piece of one of the leaves I took to the nursery to see what I needed to get rid of them. The larva are packed tight on all the leaves, just like this. Eeech!

The tree larva. 

We often hike along the river path to visit a family that lives in the mountain side. It is a stunning view, and Hermana Presley is properly equipped with her umbrella, since it seems to rain everytime we visit out there. 

Last Friday was Institute Graduation. The man on the left is the Institute Director, Brother Bram. He would be similar to Dave Jones, only has to travel all over the country to visit other institutes. He is also the Sunday School President in our Branch, as well as teaches the Youth in our branch Seminary at 5:30 in the morning. An incredible man! This is a picture of our graduate student, Maru, and 3 others with certificates of accomplishment.

At the end of the meeting, the Stake President had a final special presentation. Since there are no addresses here in Boquete, mission calls are sent to him, and then delivered to the missionary. Romil was surprised to get his envelope for his mission. He decided to give it to me to hold until Sunday, and then opened it after Sacrament meeting in front of all the members, since he felt that was his family. He is going to Mexico, Aguacaliente Mission, and leaves April 1st.

This is the Sanjur family. They live about 3 miles from us, and are the closest active family that lives near us. Brother Sanjur just was called as the 2nd counselor in the Branch. His wife is the Primary President, and their daughter, Kristine, is the music director in Sacrament meeting. They are great people.
After a hard days work of walking through rocky trails, mud, and rain, one must keep his feet in good shape! Actually, I never had a pedicure before, and I promised I would do one when Lynda had her next one. The woman who does this is actually a member of the church, but has not attended for years. So, as you can see, we are doing all we can to work with the people in our missionary efforts, no matter what the sacrifice!

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