Monday, November 11, 2013

What does it mean to be a MLS missionary?

The definition is Member Leader Support. So for us that means every week is different, new assignments, changes every time we turn around. So at the beginning of the week we found out that Friday and Saturday would bring taking the youth to David for Seminary Graduation. Friday they had a dance- Panamanian food, and music. And, yes senior couple missionaries even get to dance! Elder Presley is a lot of fun on the dance floor! Saturday Night was the graduation. They make a really big deal out of this for the kids, as you can see. The most surprising thing that happened was that it actually started on time!
This is Moises Montezuma. He is not happy about all this hubbub, but
he survived, and Elder Presley reminded him that it means that he doesn't
have to go to seminary anymore. 

On Sundays, MLS means that I get to play with the kids in Primary. I am the Branch Music chairman and so I help with the music in Primary. I love, love, love it. It isn't easy, I have to relearn all the songs in Spanish and then teach them. I have to tell you, this could only happen with the Lord's help. The gift of tongues is very real. In this picture (thanks Tina for taking it), you can see 3 of the 4 Marcusi boys, Bruno, in front is 3 and too cute for words. We had the presentation yesterday. Hermana Presley was muy nerviosa, and in walks the Stake Primary Pres, and the Stake President. Well, the kids did great, all 9 of them. Bruno just sat and looked cute and played with his worn out shoes, every once in awhile, he would move his mouth like he knew the words to a song. Angeli, the little one on the other side of me, sat and tickled him during the Stake Presidents testimony. Tooooo cute! They stole the show.
For Elder Presley, Sundays mean being tugged in every direction from early in the morning until we head for home, usually around 1pm. When we get home he prepares a lesson, for the young men preparing to go on missions and to the Temple. He has a really hard job, and some days doubts his effectiveness, but if you could see how our little branch has progressed in just 4 months, you would know that the Lord is using all of his experience to bless the lives of these people. In December 29 members will be attending the temple. Of those, 2 families will be sealed, and a couple others will receive their endowments preparing to go on missions. It is truly amazing to watch the hand of the Lord work in Boquete!

You have met this family before, in Subway. This is the Montezuma Family. This is the family that lives closest to us and in a month or so will live in our backyard. The picture you see is the house they live in now. The house in our backyard has progressed very slowly until a few weeks ago. We weren't sure where the $$$ would come to buy the materials, even a tin shack costs money, and the man power to get it done was diminishing. Then Brother Lloyd Gentry moved into the branch. He is 72, has boundless energy, desire and all the know how needed to get this done. He even has the time. His sweet wife even asked friends in the states to donate and they have come through. Other $$$ has been provided and things are looking so much more hopeful to have them in for Christmas. Who would have ever guessed that building a house would be on the list of reasons we are here in Boquete? Elder Presley is spending several days a week helping Brother Gentry. It is not an easy task, but it is in the Lord's hands. Amazing what can be accomplished when you hand over the challenges that seem overwhelming to us, to the Lord. He knows this family and they are as precious to Him as all the rest of His children.

Just to add a tidbit for my memory, we didn't have a lot of luck with the rain and planting a garden, so we tried planting cucumbers in containers on our patio, this is what we get to watch, and they are super yummy. We also have a couple of tomatoes and some peppers. It is all an experiment.

1 comment:

  1. I love every photo and every description of your service in Panama! You are truly angels! God Bless You
