Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fun and purpose

Well. we are here in Panama. After some excitement in Salt Lake City's airport, when we got there and found that our first leg of our flight with American Airlines was delayed until after the second leg would leave from Dallas, we panicked, prayed, pleaded, and the blessing was a wonderful counter attendant who was kind, understanding, and worked hard to transfer us to a Delta flight at the time we were supposed to leave with AA, and we were good. Getting up at 3:30 am, getting to the airport at 5 am, and then trying to actually THINK and process alternatives was a bit of a challenge, to say the least. I am grateful for the missionary tags we wear. People just seem to be kinder, as well as so many from all different directions either share that they served a mission, or ask us about ours. We have had the chance to share with the waitress in Dallas while we ate lunch. That was fun! She was African and asked if we were there as well, and we happily told her how many we were with in SLC that were going there this week. She was pleased to hear that.
The tag above helps me as I miss my family to know my purpose. Boy, I miss family right now, but I am trying to focus on this message, and it helps.

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