Thursday, July 18, 2013

We have been in Boquete almost a week, and have both learned alot, had some great experiences,and have struggled with food poisoning, homesickness, and a little frustration as we learn to slow down in our lifestyle. But we are settling in and understanding more and more of what we should be doing. We have visited a couple of less active families, and looks like at least one will be coming back to church, and found a very poor family which we wish to assist in any way we can. We miss home, but know we are on the Lord's errand.
The sisters with our first baptism in our home font.

On our way to the home of the Sanjur family. The mom is the Primary President and Dad used to be the branch president, but is not attending right now. We are going to talk with him!

Over the meadows and through the jungle to get to the Sanjur home.

Now, off to the Montezuma casita. Very poor family. The creek we are walking alongside is what they use for drinking water, bathing, and washing clothes. At one spot, there was a pond of water and some wood boards they used to wash their clothes.

It is back here somewhere. Still had to walk about a half mile into the jungle to get there. President and Sister Bram are with us. He was the counselor to President Craig Ward and is a wonderful man.

1 comment:

  1. I Love that!!! What an adventure....takes me back to so many wonderful memories.
