Saturday, July 13, 2013

Panama temple at night and off to Boquete!

This is looking from our room we stayed in for 3 days next to the Panama City Temple. WOW! The room was not the best, but the view was great. Then, we traveled with the Mission President and his son ( in white shirts ahead of us) north to David. (40 min flight, but a 7 hour drive). We had a zone conference, then the Assistants to the President drove us up to Boquete, a 45 min drive, to our house where we will live for a while. Below are a couple of pictures of the house. Living room, kitchen, washer and dryer room. Not bad, eh? Oh, and one picture while in David that shows a Payless store. Lynda got a laugh about that.

1 comment:

  1. Boquete is such a wonderfull place, is Chill there is Strawberries, beautiful women, rivers, the best food etc.

    Nice Pics.
