Sunday, July 28, 2013

A week in Boquete

This past 10 days has certainly been filled with many things to do. The first of the week we drove back to Panama City with some members, the Brams. They were going to the temple, and we were going back at the mission president's request to go to the mission home to pick up our car, our phone, and our immigration card so we could get around the country easier.That drive, one way, is about 7 hours. We got there in the evening Monday, stayed the night in a hotel, went to immigration Tuesday morning, then got the phone and car from Central Services, then drove to a mall to buy some workout shoes for Lynda, then the temple to pick up some missionaries to take back to a city called Volcan, which is even further than our house. I drove about 21 or 54 hours in a 3 day span. Whew.
We also went to visit some members, did some visits with the missionaries in our area, and then began planning and pricing for the small house we are going to build for the Montezuma family, a very poor, yet humble and faithful family of 5 whose mother died at the childbirth of their youngest boy, Albert.
On Saturday, men from the branch came to begin at 8 am, seminary started in our house at 9, I had to leave at noon with the Branch President at noon to climb a mountain and visit a family on a coffee farm, Sister Presley worked on the garden, and then a geneology class at 2 pm until 4 pm. I got back about 3:30 from the visit, so it was quite a busy day.

this is NOT a grave! Lynda and a member worked very hard to smooth out the dirt, and line the garden with stones. We will paint the rocks with Lime to keep out the leafcutter ants.

Seminary class in our home. 

I am getting skinnier, I think. I took off the glasses for an immigration picture.

the beginning of the small house in the back yard for the family of 5. It will have a kitchen, bathroom, running water, and 3 bedrooms. It will be small, but marvelous for them.

members making cement. The man standing with the shovel is the branch president.


  1. I am enjoying every one of your posts from Pananma! You are doing an amazing job and are blessing so many lives including all of ours at home as we are reminded of our many blessings! Que Dios les bendiga!

  2. Sounds like you guys are working hard. I love you both.

  3. Who needs the gym.... you will be kicking my booty when y'all get back!!! Love y'all!!!
